Our service price

Our prices are in Euros ?. Click over “other currency” to convert them into, US $, GBP, Canadian $, Yens, or any other local coin.

– From 1 to 3 addresses – 34.95.- Euros ? both three other currency
– From 4 to 8 addresses – 9.50.- Euros ? each one other currency
– From 9 to 16 addresses – 8.00.- Euros ? each one other currency
– More than 16 addresses – 6.75.- Euros ? each one other currency
These prices are for each member, not for each contact data available. If an advert indicates that there is an address and a telephone number available, we will send you both, including the best time to call. If an advertiser has also e-mail, fax number or any other way the get in touch with her, we will also send it to you with your order. In the same way, if she only has phone number or only a personal address, we send you only this contact data method as long as we have only this information to contact with her.

The minimum fee for each orders is 34.95 Euros ? (other currency). With this minimum fee you can order up to 3 different members. In other words, ordering 1 or 2 members has the same price than ordering 3 members in the same order.

We use Secure Servers with our Order Forms. Security in data transmission is as important for you as it is for us. In spite of this, if you prefer not to use the Secure Server, you can make your order by Phone (976 106 448) or by Fax (976 106 448). International Code for Spain is 34. You will also receive the ordered contact data in 12-24 hours.

Our advice is to select at least 3 different members numbers to contact with. Not only the unitary price will be cheaper, but by experience we know that getting in touch with at least 3 members increase greatly your chances to success.

Of course, as many women you contact with as better your chances. This is logical. Although, read carefully their personal description before making your selection. The idea is that you contact with women with who you have things in common. If you have any doubt, contact us. To get our contact data CLICK HERE.

If you have any doubt about this section, contact us.

Marta Perez (Customer service )
Tel: (34 for Spain) 976 106 448 – Fax: (34 for Spain) 976 106 449


– Minimun charge per translation – 20.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency

– From Spanish to French – 0.08.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From Spanish to English – 0.08.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From Spanish to Russian – 0.10.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency

– From French to Spanish – 0.08.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From French to English – 0.08.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From French to Russian – 0.11.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency

– From English to Spanish – 0.08.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From English to French – 0.08.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From English to Russian – 0.11.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency

– From Russian to Spanish – 0.10.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From Russian to French – 0.11.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency
– From Russian to Russian – 0.11.- US $ – Euros ? both three other currency

If you have any question about how our service works, please contact us. We will gladdy answer any doubt you may have.

(+34 for Spain) 976 106 448 – 902 35 55 35
From 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Spain time.

Amigos de Punto de Encuentro S.L.
Avenida Salvador Allende , 75 Pt. 13
SP-50015 Zaragoza

Categories: Information