Service guarantees
All the profiles published in this web page as well as the contact data that we send, are guaranteed. These are the detailed guarantees, as well as their limitations.
In order to understand better this section we clarified that from this moment when we speak about “mail”, we are talking about the ordinary mail or the one which goes to a fixed mailing address. When we speak about “email”, we are talking about an electronic mail address.
1-We guarantee the contact data
2-We guarantee that all the advertisers are still seeking a partner.
3-Limitations of the guarantee
5-Phone numbers
6-Member section
7-I have a returned letter. How do I proceed?
8-I’ve been told that she is already engaged. How do I proceed?
9-Wrong E-mail/phone number. How do I proceed?
10-The girls I was interested in hasn’t answer my letter. How do I proceed?
For any additional information about the points of these guarantees, just ask us.
… the contact data we send are correct:
Before their publication, all the contact data are reviewed twice. When you receive the contact data of a woman, we guarantee that these are the direct ones to contact her and that you will be able to communicate with her with at least by means of ordinary mail.
If you would not be able to communicate with her with, at least by means of mail, we would change you the contact data of this woman for any 2 alternative references that you may choose, totally free.
Below, we tell you how to proceed in the case that you have a claim.
… all the adverts are still “active” while they remain published..
The advert of a person who communicates to us that she has found a couple, is deleted from the Web Page in less than 2 hours. Nevertheless, sometimes they do not communicate to us that they have found a partner. This happens simply, because they do not realize that they must do it, so that we do not longer provide her data to anybody else, or she forgets to do it. For this reason, all the women are contacted periodically so that they can confirm the renovation of their adverts. Our maximum priority is to maintain a data base “alive” and trustworthy at any moment, so that it is always up to date.
Even so, it can happens that between time and time that we get in contact with them, an advertiser finds what she was looking for. In fact, this is why they are here. For this reason, once you make an order, there is a period of time during which you can contact her.
If a person finds a couple during this period of time, we will contact her to confirm this fact and to receive authorization to retire the advert. In the case of being thus we will change that reference by 1 alternative reference of your election.
Below, we tell you how to proceed in the case that you have a claim.
All the members announced in our pages, are looking for a partner in an active way. This means that an advertiser can change her address and civil state (to find a partner) in some months.
For this reason we CANNOT guarantee for an indefinite time that the contact data is correct after some time has past, nor the “availability” of an advertiser to look for a partner. This is why they are here for, to look for, but, mainly, TO FIND a couple, and this supposes that they can change their address after a time. For this reason it is so important to us to maintain a periodic contact with each one of the advertisers.
WE DO guarantee that at the moment we sent you the contact data, an advertiser resides in the address that we are sending you and that she hasn’t found a partner, YET.
The limits are:
– The mail addresses have a guarantee of 2 months from the date we sent you the contact data. After this period, we cannot guarantee that the data are still being correct, although is possible that, during one of our periodic controls, the member has informed us about an address change, in such a case, we would facilitate the new one to you. This is not a common thing, but there have been cases of people who have written to an advertiser up to 6 months! after receiving the contact data. Obviously, we are not responsible of the guarantee of that order. The data were correct at the moment of the shipment, but it is impossible to us to guarantee that a member will wait eternally until we decide to use them.
– We also guarantee that a women does not have found a couple in at least 2 months after sending the contact data. This period of two months is enough for a first communication with the advertiser. If during these 2 months, the advert is deleted from our data base, you are entitled to receive one alternative reference for free. It is important to distinguish that the guarantee talks about that does not have couple. For logic reasons WE DO NOT GUARANTEE that an advertiser will fall in love with you. Waking up her interest and starting a relationship with the woman you are interested in, do not depend on us, but on you. We can make easier the first contact, we can advise you about specific problems, we can clarify you any question or any doubt you could have and we can guide you within our possibilities, but we wouldn’t be honest if we promise you something that does not depend on us, but on both of you. It will help you reading this sections: Tricks and Tips: 10 Useful Tricks, 10 FAQ and 10 Good Advice.
E-mails ARE NOT guaranteed.
Until recently time, we did not provide information about the members having email, since we cannot guarantee them. Simply, if an advertiver had sent an email address, it was enclosed with the order, like an additional information.
Nevertheless, since there is a great amount of people asking us about which advertiser have email, now it is possible to know it, as well as to make selective searches of members with email. In spite of this, it is only as an informative level and WE RECOMMENDED not to choose a woman by the fact of having or not having email, since we are still not able to guarantee them and we WON’T accept to change a reference by the fact that the email is not correct. On the other hand, if a member do not provide it, it does not mean that she doesn’t have access to one at her work, through a friend or that she can not open an account if you ask her for it.
You will never find in our page, an advert having ONLY an email as contact data. Marriage agencies know that there are many possibilities that an announcement with SINGLE email is a fake or even worse, it is an advert of an scamer.
Leaving this apart, an email works today, but tomorrow, or two hours later, the server is down, the mailbox is full or the Internet connection is truncated. Later, in other two hours, or two days, the email returns to be operational. In addition, 90% of the adverts arrive to us handwritten by means of ordinary mail (not through the Internet). For this reason it is very easy for us to confuse an “m” that seems like a “n”, or a “v” that seems like a “w” or a number “1” that seems like the letter “l”, and so on. Sometimes the letter is so thick that more than to transcribe, “we interpret”. Any misinterpret in an email address can cause that the emails do not arrive to their destination.
This is why it is completely impossible to us to guarantee the emails.
Telephone numbers are guaranteed, but only if it is impossible to communicate with them and if we cannot provide the correct one or a new one. It is necessary to consider some important limitations..
95% of the errors on the telephone numbers are due to inaccuracy or changes in the country or city codes. Also, make sure to dial the international phone call code before the telephone number. In Europe this code is 00, in the USA it is 1 and thus, each country has its own. This is the first thing we check when a client says to us that he has not been able to communicate by telephone: that the country and city codes are the correct ones. If there were some change in them we would provide it.
In addition, with the telephone numbers there can be similar situations to the ones with the emails. In the Western world we are very used to that any failure in the line is solved in hours, at most, or the calls are switched through other switchboard, reason why we don’t hear about the breakdown. At most, we find that there is a “line saturation”. In countries as Cuba or Russia becomes very difficult switch through the lines in case of a breakdown, because the switchboards usually are very old, analogical instead of digital, and whereas the switching of lines in a digital switchboard is done from a computer, in a digital switchboard is necessary to do it manually, reason why it is simply impossible.
In these countries a telephone breakdown can easily last several days, mainly in some zones. Sometimes, the lack of resources, not of interest, does that these breakdowns are lasting more than they would like. Once, we knew of a breakdown in Cuba that took 6 weeks to be solved. What here is unacceptable, not even a day of breakdown, in other places is simply normal: “patience”. In addition in some regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc, due to extreme temperatures, some lines are frozen and broken during Winter.
All these situations end up being solved, but sometimes a telephone can be out of order during days.
In addition there are other situations to be considered:
Easter Europe telephone numbers:
When you call to the telephone numbers of the women living in the Eastern countries, keep in mind that these can be living with relatives who, unlike her, do not speak another language than Russian. And also it is possible that the English level of the woman you are phoning is not very fluid. Sometimes they have a better written level than a spoken one.
It is completely impossible to us to guarantee that all the persons of the woman’s family understand what you are saying from the other side of the line. There have been cases of clients who think that the provided phone number was wrong because the person who answered the phone call could not speak in a different language than his or her mother tongue. Consider, for example, the Russian word ‘Niet’ (it means ‘No’). If some one says to you: ‘Natalia Niet’ (Natalia No), it can mean many things: 1- Natalia is not at home at this moment but she will return later, 2- She is on vacation and is outside of the city (Christmas, Summer, etc) 3- She is working right now, and many others. There have been clients who think that ‘Natalia niet’ means that the phone number is wrong. It doesn’t mean this necessarily. It can be as simple as she is buying, working or at the cinema.
On the other hand, we have the wrong idea that in Russia each house has a telephone. This is not thus. In Russia much people live in apartment buildings that only have a telephone for a whole floor (about 10 apartments). This makes that when we call to these places, the first people who answers the telephone is the first one who hears the call. And this person may have nothing in common with the person whom we are calling, except that she is his or her neighbour.
This is specially true if our member has not provided the best time to call. It can happens that you call to an hour in which she is not at home. In these cases the best thing to do is to try again in a prudent schedule. A good time to try is from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. of the country of residence local time. In case of not being able to communicate with her, our advice is to send a letter and to asks her when is the best time of call.
Cuba telephone numbers:
Sometimes, Cuban members provide a neighbor’s or a friend’s phone number. This is because in the island, it can get up to 10 years to install a phone line, and the granted is not guaranteed, since it has to get the consent of the Government, reason why people use this sharing method. It seems something incredible, but it is true. Obtaining a line in less than 2 years is something of privileged people. If the telephone is a neighbor’s or friend’s one, there are some disadvantages that you would have to know:
A) When they go in search of the person for whom you are asking, they must go to its house or to where she is at that moment and can take a while to find her. Our advice: Ask if she is there. In case that you are told that they have to go to look for her, tell to the person who is answering the phone that you will call again in 20 minutes.
B) In some cases the person who answer the phone call do not knows her, since she is her daughter’s friend or any other reason. Our advice: write her a letter and tell her that you called (give her the phone number to which you called ‘), but that the person who answered said that he or she didn’t know her. After this ask her if there is some other number where it can call or give her yours, so that she can phone you.
C) NEVER phone between 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This is the ‘soap opera’ time in Cuban television and the country literally becomes paralyzed. People stop in the street to watch it through the window of a neighbor, cars do not drive and the you can notice a lack of activity in the streets. It is a social phenomenon. If you have traveled to Cuba, perhaps you have seen this. If you call at this time it is possible that the person who answer the phone call say to you that the telephone number is wrong, simply because he is not going to move away of his armchair. Such a situation has arisen. 10:05 p.m., is again a good hour to phone.
If, considering these limitations, the telephone number is still being wrong and we cannot provide you with a new one, we will change the contact data of this woman for 1 alternative reference, although the physical address is correct.
IMPORTANT: ALMOST ALL the women prefer that the first contact is trough of a letter, not trough a phone call. They want to know how is the person who is interested in them, to see a photo, etc. You know how she is physically and she doesn’t. If you only phone call her, she does not get an idea of how you are. We will ONLY change the reference number contact data by another one if the phone number is WRONG and we cannot provide you with a correct one or a new one, not if the English level of the woman is not fluid enough when speaking, neither if it has not been possible to locate to the woman when she has been phoned (all of them work or need to go out of the house to buy, to go to the cinema, etc), nor if she says that she prefer to receive a letter for a first contact instead of a phone call, nor if she says to you that she is not interested in you. As we have said already, we cannot guarantee that she falls in love with you. That depends on you, not of us, and it is very difficult that someone falls in love with another, only with a phone call.
The contact data of women published in the member section are not included in these guarantees conditions. Their contact data have been verified and checked as the ones published in other sections.
In case of wrong contact data, just enter in the Members Section and choose another one, directly.
Send us a clear photocopy of both sides of the envelope to:
Amigos de Punto de Encuentro S.L.
P.O. Box, 572
50080 Zaragoza
If you wish, you can send us a fax with both sides of the envelope to +(34) 976 106 449
Or an scanned image of both sides of the envelope a the email:
Send us in any case:
Your name
The order number with the wrong contact data
The 2 alternative reference numbers that you have chosen.
The e-mail address where you want us to send you the new data.
If everything is correct and you are entitled to to a change, you will receive the new contact data in 24 hours.
Contact us on the telephone number +(34) 976 106 448 or in the email .
Tell us :
Your name
The order numbe
The member number of the woman that you have contacted.
In 24 hours we will give you instructions about how to proceed, according to your particular case.
Contact us on the telephone number +(34) 976 106 448 or in the email .
Your name
The order number.
In 24 hours we will give you the corrected data, the new data or instructions about how to proceed, according to your particular case. It is possible that she has already communicated to us the new data or email.
When we wrote to a woman with whom you were really interested, and she doesn’t answer to you letter, it is inevitable to think: “Would be the address to which I wrote the correct one? “, “Would she has received my letter?”, “Would she not be interested in me?. This is normal and mainly if we do not have another way to get in touch with her: phone number or email.
For the two first questions, the answer is simple: All the address that we provide are correct in a 99%. So sure we are that you already know that if you get a returned letter we will give you, not one, but two alternative references.
The first thing that it must be done always when you send a letter is to send it by REGISTERED MAIL WITH INTERNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT. This it is a universal method applied by ALL post offices of the world. When the woman receives her letter, she signs a card that is returned to you.
This way we achieve:
To know to the day and the hour that the letter arrived at destiny. Thus, at least we know that it arrived. After this, the only thing left is to wait for her answer.
To make sure that the letter arrives at destiny. Because of being a registered mail, its procedure is much more secure than an ordinary letter.
If the situation arise, to make sure that the envelope is returned to you, so that you can claim the two reference numbers to which you are entitled to. As long as it is a registered letter, it is not lost. They have the OBLIGATION to return it to destiny in the case of the enclosed address is incorrect, and in addition, the reason why they are returning it.
Of course, it can happens that she is not interested in you. She DOESN’T have the obligation to answer all the letters that she receive. She has published an advert freely and freely she answer to the people with whom she is more interested in. We CANNOT guarantee that a specific woman is going to be interested in you. We wouldn’t be honest if we promised this to you. We can make easier to you that “first step”, or that “breaking the ice” that, almost always, it is the most difficult part of a relationship..
The first contact is easy. Tell her: “Hello, I have just seen your advert in and I believe that you are a beautiful woman and that we have many things in common, etc.”. The first step is already taken. There is no possibility of being mistaken. She is, just like you, looking for a partner. In spite of this, she is not seeking ANY partner, but to a person with whom she can share the joys and the sorrows. It depends on you to wake up her interest, not on us. You are the one that must win the heart of her with words and attentions.
Follow the advice published in the section “Information” to improve your possibilities. Do not center your attention in a single person, but select from 8 to 12 women like minimum, with which you feel compatible or attracted. And mainly, think a little about what you will say in your first letter to them.
If a woman does not answer your first letter and you are frankly interested in her, write her a second letter and tell her that you are really interested in her. Believe me, she will feel flattered.